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Our Journey date: 2023-08-18
Chiloquin sure has grown into a super cute little town! Twice I've stopped at the farmers market and found some lovely produce and fruit and to die for cinnamon rolls amongst other things!
The Williamson River and Sprague River meet up just east of town and the Williamson River flows just east of the bridge in Chiloquin! In 2020 I spent a lovely time viewing gardens and the river of one of my neighbors - sweet!
I loved her plaque!
The Kla-Mo-Ya Casino sits 2.5 miles S of the Sprague River Road in Chiloquin along Highway 97.
There's a Sleep Inn next door and it seems to be pretty busy every time I've been there!
And one more photo from my Chiloquin collection - if this doesn't make you smile!
Agency Lake is actually the north part of Upper Klamath Lake and Henzel Park is a cute little park along the lake near Ocean Shores! Too bad it was cloudy from the smoke! There were a few people that had used the boat ramp that morning and someone out walking his dog - cute!
I purchased a few lots for my first time in Oregon Shores and this little spot is for the property owners to hang out at and it sits on Agency Lake not too far from Henzel Park!
The cute little market in Sprague River at the cutoff road to Klamath Forest Estates.
There's a super cute little park just E of Klamath Falls that I often sit at and load up my GPS! Always a variety of cute birds and an occasional muskrat!
The Sprague River Bridge Connection in is the only food bank in the area and distributes once a week. However it is also a thrift store that sells some BOMB baked goods - I stopped by twice and grabbed plenty of tasty treats to last me a few days exploring land! YUM! They also said they could use adult jeans and shampoo/toiletry supplies. So if you happen to be headed that way they accept donations!
I snapped several photos of this group out practicing roping skills! Notice the rope swining in the air!
And a few of my favorite animals along the way!
The Sycan River flows for a short distance along Oregon Pines Road and it's always filled with animals - I always have my camera ready! It's a 75 mile tributary to the Sprague River and they meet up just south of Drews Road.